FlexiSPY Affiliate Resources

A collection of guides to help you succeed as a FlexiSPY affiliate

Resources for Promoting FlexiSPY

We’re providing you with these resources to allow you to create extremely accurate and useful reviews for your customers, while allowing you to target SEO keywords of your choice.

Using our resources you can keep your website up to date with the best information about FlexiSPY without having to continually review our ever increasing features.

You can use this information to point out that FlexiSPY is the most affordable product and has features that no other product has.

For this we have provided the following

Our recommendations

  1. If you wish to use you own review we recommend updating it by embedding the feature grids and use our summary which should be re-written in your own language

This will give your visitors the most accurate information with the least amount of work on your part.

  1. If you wish to re-write your review, especially if you are targeting certain keywords then use our full review template as the basis for your work. Re-write using keywords that you specifically wish to target

Don’t forget, long-form copy still ranks higher, therefore from the perspective of rankings, a long page describing FlexiSPY will be of most benefit to you.